Rainbow member Jae Kyung had a photo time in Seoul Gangnam-gu The Raum on 2nd December in the new showcase of ‘Age of Feeling’ , the new KBS Wednesday/Thursday.
The drama ‘Age of Feeling’ will be telecasted after ‘Pretty Boy’ and is shot in Shanghai, China in the 1930s with the background in Korea, China and Japan as the romantic background build a dramatic story of love and loyalty and friendship.
Kim Hyun Joong is making a comeback to the TV screen in the 3 years after the ‘Comical Kiss’ and is making a challenge to himself through a high paced action through his life as a boss of the group, the Doby Nories and lives a life full ups and downs.
Age of Feeling includes Kim Hyun Joong, Jin Se Yeon, Lim Soo Hyang, Kim Gap Su, Son Byung Ho Choi II Wha, Jo Dong Hyuk and the fanciest members to increase expectations. “Age of Feelings” will be telecasted after ‘Pretty Man’ in January for the first time.